Some of the recent excitement includes...
I finished drying my hand painted felted wool and the color looks great. I have been able to wind two of the skeins into balls to get the full effect of the color changes that appear. I have also taken the next BIG STEP and cast on 276 stitches in the hopes of completing the Circular Shrug pattern listed on This project is going nowhere fast as there is an extended amount of K2P2 ribbing to get through but it is exciting to be knitting again. I am even looking into getting a shrug on the needles for Melody.Here is some yarn Eye Candy.
On the kids front, while shopping at our local New World Melody believes she sees the character from one of her favorite book series, The Time Soldiers. She was amazed at the fact that she saw teenagers in the supermarket dressed in camouflage outfits and wearing the same hard hats that she had seen the Time Soldiers wear. After seeing the Time Soldiers, the fire alarm sounds and we make a mad dash for the exit, leaving our cart of groceries behind. We later put 2 and 2 together and realize that seeing the Time Soldiers and the sounding of the fire alarm are no coincidence. We figure that the men in black suits were attempting to capture the Time Soldiers with the ruse of a fire. Luckily though, they escaped as we noticed they did not return to the store to purchase the groceries they had left behind.
Last Friday, Arnold and I were able to go out and have a nice dinner at Pedro's Restaurant to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary. Arnold enjoyed their calamari and whole grilled fish while I had the sampler of dry cured Spanish meats and a mixed seafood platter which included king prawns, grouper, and Morton Bay Bugs. This was my first time at Pedro's but it won't be my last. I think it is the best restaurant that I have been to in New Zealand.
Last Saturday, I took the girls to see RNZB production of Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately, the RNZB has re-interpreted Romeo and Juliet and turned it into West Side Story meets Gangster Rap and we leave after the second act. I think that Ivy may be put off of ballet after this last performance but we hope to get her back on track and are looking into renting a classic version of the play.
Lastly, we have recently been lucky enough to find someone to help us get our garden in shape as Arnold is very busy with work and it seems to rain EVERY weekend. Mike is doing a splendid job and the children couldn't be happier with the way he lets them help!